Scheduled for air this summer, Kumar Pictures recorded with MeeMeeTV to discuss one of Kumar Pictures’ eco-tourism documentaries, Waters of India. The film featured a small group of University of Florida students from the Study Abroad program who made an enlightening journey to the more rural parts of India. These students were shown the inner workings of water sovereignty and how it directly affects the villages surrounding the water sources and deep within the country itself.
During their trip, students got to meet with world-renowned, eco-feminist Vandana Shiva. Vandana started the Navdanya movement to help spread a collective consciousness about organic seed planting. The main point focuses on seeds being the lifeblood of sustainability within a country, especially one as large and dependent on agriculture as India. The GMO seeds that are created by major companies, such as Monsanto, are created to generate a high and frequent yield but at the cost of the soil, health and livelihood of those who use them. The Navdanya movement encourages individuals to utilize organic seeds instead of those cultivated in a laboratory. It also focuses on maintaining the ritual tradition of women being the gatekeepers, storytellers and keepers of the seeds and Ayurvedic medicines. The women involved in the movement took it upon themselves to protect nature and regain their ancient way of agriculture and spirituality.
While on the show, James Siler (Kumar Pictures) broke down the individual sequences of the film. He discussed the importance of the women in this culture and the necessity that brought Waters of India to fruition.
The show will air this summer on MeeMeeTV JAX. Check back for Kumar Pictures’ next date with MeeMeeTV.