Teach For America is a movement of new leaders who are passionate about educational reform. Teach For America works to ensure that kids growing up in poverty get an excellent education.
Kumar Pictures has designed media to meet the national organization’s standards. The videos uniquely brand and define TFA’s regional efforts. The videos include Superintendent Dr. Vitti, community supporter Wayne Weaver, TFA corp members, and prinicipals from DCPS who articulate the signfigance of TFA in Jacksonville.
Although 16 million American children face the extra challenges of poverty, an increasing body of evidence shows that they can achieve at the highest levels. The video reminds us why America believes in the public education system.
Kumar Pictures has been providing our community’s educational organizations with professional grade media support. We work closely with existing staff and/or existing marketing firms to shape the message quickly and precisly to our client’s needs. Media is recored in HD and edited using motion graphics and animation software.