The JAX Chamber’s JAX Bridges Program has partnered with Kumar Pictures to create the Jax Bridges Studio. The purpose of the media outreach is create a short shareable videos that allows participants to promote their unique causes and businesses, helping to grow Jacksonville’s entrepreneurial community. Sponsored by the JAX Chamber and JP Morgan Chase Bank, the media will showcase the best and brightest of Jacksonville.

Some participants will be highlighted as part of the New Town Success Zone. These are businesses improving the status of Jacksonville underserved communities in measurable ways. The media will align strategic goals of participants, improving visibility for these underserved communities, and enhance economic and civic development for greater Jacksonville.

Visit for more information and signup. Media will be embedded in the JAX Bridges portal and filed by the business name.

ABOUT JAX BRIDGES: The JAX Bridges is a program of the JAX Chamber Entrepreneurial Growth Division. It is a program designed to connect small and medium-sized companies with opportunities to do business with larger corporations; as well as providing targeted entrepreneurial education support.

**This small business initiative is made possible by JP Morgan Chase and the JAX Chamber.**

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