Kumar Pictures receives new honor from the JAX Chamber.

Kumar Pictures was selected for the inaugural JAX Bridges program, launched in 2014. Owner and Creative Director, James Siler, accepted the award on behalf of Kumar Pictures for effort contributions to the community. The rollout of the program promises to strengthen small business and small business owners in Jacksonville. Small businesses and the communities around them can continue to enrich each other with talents arts, trades and ideals that are unique to Jacksonville’s small business community.


Kumar Pictures is a full service media production company. From initial inception of idea from the business owners and community members around to the full execution and delivery of the project, Kumar Pictures helps businesses and business owners reach their dream’s full potential of adding an artistic and visual splendor to their campaigns. We enjoy helping those around us when it comes to realizing their dream campaign and we enjoy sharing the benefits that the small business owner community has to offer.


Small companies like ours in Jacksonville, such as start-ups, non-profits and other upper level companies, create the patchwork for moving Jacksonville forward. Thanks to the JAX Bridges program, we can collaborate with other businesses and team our unique expertise to propel the economy upward.



We are honored to receive this award and promise to continue delivering custom video services to our Jacksonville clients.


Special thanks for helping us endure and thrive, JAX Chamber.

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